The 11th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies (JSMES)

The 11th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society

for Medieval European Studies (JSMES)

Osaka City University

22 and 23 June 2019




Saturday 22 June

11:30- Registration

12:10-13:00 Tanaka Memorial Hall Auditorium

Business Meeting

13:00-13:15 Tanaka Memorial Hall Auditorium

Lecture on Special Exhibition

Kenji YAGI (Atelier du parchemin), ‘Jewish Parchments and their Contexts’

Special Exhibition by Kenji YAGI on Books of the Judaism and the Jews

15:00-17:00 Conference Room, Tanaka Memorial Hall (2nd Floor)

Main Session

13:30-17:00 Tanaka Memorial Hall Auditorium

13:30-14:15 Tomoya SHIMOZONO (Seinan Gakuin University)

Deification through Love: The Concept of ‘deificatio’ in Beranrd of Caliervaux and Its Origins

14:15-15:00 Kaho INOUE (Southampton University/ Tokyo University of Arts)

Conductus in the Long Thirteenth Century

15:00-15:15 Break (+Special Exhibition, see above)

15:15-16:00 Haruhi NOBE (Tokyo University)

Thomas Aquinas on the Original Sin and the Concupiscence

16:00-16:45 Kayoko ICHIKAWA (Keio University)

The Political Context of the Origin and the Dissemination of the Coronation
of the Virgin in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

16:45-17:00 Natsuko KUWABARA (Japan Society for Promotion of Science/Waseda

The Religious Context behind the ‘Resurrection of the Virgin’ by Taddeo di
Bartolo for the Sardi Chapel in San Francesco Church of Pisa

17:50- Tanaka Memorial Hall Auditorium

Concert : Klezmer Music of Eastern European Jews

Music for traditional weddings and from the era of their American

19:00- Tanaka Memorial Hall Foyer


Sunday 23 June

9:00- Registration

Poster Session

9:00-10:45 Open Space, Takahara Hall (Ground Floor)

Special Exhibition by Kenji YAGI on Books of the Judaism and the Jews

9:00-17:00 Conference Room, Tanaka Memorial Hall (2nd Floor)


The Medieval European Jewish History

Beyond the Time and Space

11:00-16:30 Tanaka Memorial Hall Auditorium

11:00-11:10 Hiromitsu SASAKI (Osaka Prefecture University)

Introductory Remarks

11:10-11:40 Masahiro SHIDA (Waseda University)

Master of the Divine Name: Counter-Narratives against Christendom in the
Medieval Jewish Folktales

11:45-12:10 Mitsue KUROIWA (Rikkyo University)

Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Illumination: Its Distinctiveness in Relation to
Christian Art and Society

12:10-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:00 Hideharu SHIMADA (Kokugakuin University)

The Movements of the Jews under Islam in the late Geonic Period

14:00-14:30 Mariko MISHIRO (Tokyo University of Arts)

The Relationship of the Modal Structure between the Synagogue Songs of
Eastern European Jews and Klezmer Music

14:30-15:00 Tetsuyuki SEKI (Ryutsu Keizai University)

The Jews and Conversos in Medieval and Early Modern Spain

15:15-16:20 Discussion

17:00- Presentation of Best Poster Awards

