The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies (JSMES)


The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies (JSMES)


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3 June 2017

Main Session 14:1517:45

Lecture Hall

Room 110 in the Building no. 6 of Minami-Osawa Campus

14:15-15:00 Hitoshi Hoshino (Kyoto University) Paradise and Politics: Dante’s Monarchia and Paradiso
15:00-15:45 Sayaka Ando

(Tokyo University of Arts)


“Fountain of Life” in the Corbie Psalter: A Study of Imagery and Ornamentation in the Carolingian Art
16:00-16:45 Toshio Ohnuki (Okayama University)


Mutual communications between the Cistercians and parish communities: a case of Rhineland and Franconia in the High Middle Ages
16:45-17:30 Michael Raby

(McGill University)

Between Sleeping and Waking: Hypnagogia in Medieval Literature”
17:30-17:45 Jay Noyes

(CEO, Tintagel K.K.)

Medieval Combat: Fact vs. Fiction (Special Lecture)
18:00-20:00 Reception Student Refectory (Building No. 15 on the Map)

Special Exhibitions

Saturday 13:00-17:00 & Sunday 9:00-17:00 in Rooms 105/106

1: Learning about Medieval Knights, by Tintagel K.K.

2: Parchment and Handmade Paper, Manuscripts and Letterpress Prints, by Kenji Yagi




4 June 2017

Symposium: 11:00-16:30

Medievalism on Screen: Depictions of Fact and Imagination

Lecture Hall

Room 110 in the Building No. 6 of Minami-Osawa Campus


11:00-11:10 Overview, by Nobutada ZUSHI (Kindai University)
11:10-11:40 The Cinematic Representation of Robin Hood and the Crusades: Kings Never Coming Back, and Heroes Having No Home

by Naobumi OKADA (Gakushuin University)

11:40-12:10 Handsome Handling of Handseax in Hobbit Films: The Anglo-Saxon English Styles of Steel in Fantasy,

by Tsukusu ITO (Shinshu University)

13:30-14:00 “It’s Only a Model”: Medieval Manuscripts in Monty Python and the Holy Grail,


by Makiko KOMIYA (Kindai University)

14:00-14:30 Regarding the Past: The Legend and Films of Pope Joan,

by Mamoru FUJISAKI (Ibaraki University)

14:30-14:45 Comments from the field of the Medieval English Literature,

by Kuniko SHOJI (Keio University)

14:45-15:00 Comments from the field of the History of Music,

by Aya YOSHIKAWA (Tokyo Gakugei University)

15:20-15:40 Panel Discussion
15:40-16:30 Discussion

Proposed by Shunji OOGURO (Osaka City University),

with special help of Sayaka MATSUMOTO (Fukui Prefectural University)



Poster Session: 9:00-10:45

Room 201 to 204 of Building No.6

Hayato ARIKAWA Filippino Lippi’s Adoration of the Magi: A study on the functions of the portrait
Ryuta ISHIDA Demonstration of Angels’ Specification: focusing on Thomas Aquinas’s Quæstio disputata de spiritualibus creaturis, a.8
Kaho INOUE Functions of Ligatures in Medieval and Renaissance Music
Rei IWANAGA The Development of Early Medieval Stone Sculptures in Eastern Yorkshire
Sonoko UEMATSU Veit Stoss The Kraków Mary altar: The Virgin’s death and the Apostles’ eyes
Hirosi Ohshima Adequation Model to Conformity Model: Concepts of Truth in Thomas Aquinas
Masao KATO European Medieval History in High School History Education: The Case of “Feudalism
Natsumi KISHIDA Mutual Excommunication of 1054” and the Development of the Patriarchate of Constantinople
Yoshifumi KITADATE Pontigny as Center of St Edmund’s Pilgrimage: A Dispute Over Ornament
Kiichi SUGANUMA Fifteenth-century Instrumental Practice: Sources and Diminution Technique
Andrea Arashi TANOSAKI Structure of Queenly Household in the Charters Issued by Eleanor of Aquitaine as Queen of England
Daichi NUMA The Role of the Sea in the Legitimization of Romanus I Lecapenus’s Regime
Haruhi NOBE Does human intellect contribute to faith?
Ryo HIGUCHI Dating Methodologies and its Problems of Middle Byzantine Cross-in-Square Church Buildings
Fuka FUJITA Greeks and Catholics in Venetian Cyprus: the Counter-Reformation and the eastern Mediterranean world
Noriko MOTONE Propagation of veneration of St. Olav and the churches dedicated to St. Olav: The case of Norway
Hitomi YOSHIDA The Minstrels of Late-medieval Nuremberg
Manami RYU The Apocalypse of Valenciennes: a Relationship between Text and Illumination


