Call for papers Rijeka Conference May 2011

Center for Iconographic Studies, University of Rijeka
Department of Art History, Iconology Research Group, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

organize the Fifth International Conference of Iconographic Studies

Sovereign and Iconography of Political Power and Representation
Rijeka, 25 -27 May, 2011

This conference is organized to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue as well as to continue the cycle of sessions for scholarly discourse on the significant subjects in iconographic studies. The conference presentations will be dealing with different subjects concerning political iconography, with accent on the representations of sovereign, in art and literature with main accent on the European Middle Ages but also with references to the precedent and following periods.

The themes and subjects for discussion are as following:

– representation(s) of sovereign in art and literature ? major outline and miscellaneous depictions
– political concepts of representing a sovereign
– images of sovereign as reflexions of political, cultural, ideological, theological and sociological ideas
– sovereigns’ portraits and social hierarchies
– sovereigns as patrons
– representations of sovereigns in different media
– literary sources and tradition
– regional characteristcs/specifics in the images of political power

One of the objectives is to inform scholars, students and other interested in the field, of the recent research results in the studies in iconography. The conference papers will deal with methodological approaches within iconography and iconology – new methods, new concepts and scholarship stressed the need of interdisciplinary approach in research which resulted in somewhat altered interpretation of the meaning of images.

Paper proposals should be submitted to:

Marina Vicelja or Petra Borovac by e-mail:
Department of Art History
Faculty of Arts and Science
University of Rijeka
Trg I. Klobučarića 1
51 000 Rijeka
phone: –385 51 315250

A paper proposal comprises:

1. full name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address
2. title
3. abstract (maximum 2 pages)

December 30, 2010

The Organizers cover all accomodation costs during the conference.
Travel expenses ARE NOT COVERED.

Please contact us for any additional information!
web page:

