
早稲田大学の甚野科研とトレントのブルーノ・ケスラー財団イタリア・ドイツ歴史研究所の共同企画として、「中近世ヨーロッパの宗教の歴史-ヨーロッパの日本からの視角」の第二回ワークショップが、2015年12月11日(金)・12日(土)の両日、トレントの同研究所(Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Via S. Croce, 77- Trento)で開催されます。

Medieval and Early Modern Religious Histories: Perspectives from Europe and Japan
Second Meeting
Trento, 11-12 December 2015

11 December 9.30
Welcome and Introduction
Paolo Pombeni (FBK-ISIG, Trento)
Takashi Jinno (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Fernanda Alfieri (FBK-ISIG, Trento)

Session I: Politics and its Narratives
Chair: Fernanda Alfieri
Takashi Jinno (Waseda) – Political Metaphor and Imitation of Nature in the Medieval “ Mirrors for Princes”
Serena Ferente (King’s College) – The Body Politic and its Passions in Late Medieval Italian Political Languages
Elena Bonora (Parma) – Animal Imagery in Sixteenth century Italy: a Political Use
Taku Minagawa (Yamanashi) – Peace-understanding of the Political Theologians of Holy Roman Empire in the End of the Religious War
Federico Barbierato (Verona) – Political Astrologers and the Cabinet of Providence. “Popular” Politics, Public Discussions and the Rheme of Secrecy in Early Modern Italian Towns

11 December 15:00
Session II: Encounters
Chair: Takashi Jinno
Toshio Ohnuki (Okayama) – Comparative Study on Contributions of the Cistercians to the Communal Life of Parishes in Medieval Germany
Guido Cariboni (Universite Cattolica) – The Cistercian and the Laity in the Thirteenth Century Italy. The Familia Monastica
Kazuhisa Takeda (Waseda) – Introducing Christian Social Discipline among the Amerindians: the Confraternity System in the Jesuit-Guaran? Missions of South America
Michela Catto (FBK-Isr)- Intellectual Independence of the Philosophes: Tolerance and Dignity in the Jesuits’ Letters from China

12 December 9:30
Session III: Perceived bodies
Chair: Federico Barbierato
Giovanni Ciappelli (Trento) – The Body in Early Modern Egodocuments. Representation and Identity Construction
Fernanda Alfieri (FBK-Isig): Mapping the Body for the Salvation of the Soul. Spanish Scholasticism on Marriage and Sexuality
Mayuho Hasegawa (Tokyo) – An Anatomist’s Gaze on Bodies and Skin in Early Eighteenth Century: Perception of Mind and Body in Transition

Final discussion – perspectives and projects
Lucia Dolce (Soas, London)

