Articles of Association

Articles of Association (established on November 24, 2008, and became effective on April 1, 2009)

Article 1
The name of this Society is the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies.

Article 2
This Society aims to facilitate research on Medieval European Studies, promote the exchange of research among the members, and exchange research with related bodies and organizations inside and outside Japan.

Article 3
This Society shall conduct the following activities:
(1) Hold general meeting and annual conference
(2) Publish the academic journal Seiyo Chusei Kenkyu (Medieval European Studies);
(3) Sponsor research groups and lecture meetings
(4) Other activities as necessary

Article 4
The Members of this Society shall be as follows:
(1) Regular Member: Any individual who is interested in research on medieval Europe and pays the designated membership fee.
(2) Student Member: Any individual who is interested in research on medieval Europe, is an enrolled student at a university or other research institutions, and pays the designated membership fee.
(3) Supporting Member: Any individual or body that agrees to the purpose and activities of this Society and pays the designated membership fee.

Article 5
1 Any individual or body that desires to be a member of this Society must complete the necessary items on the entry application and pay the membership fee for the year.
2 The fiscal year shall be from April 1 to March 31, and the membership fee must be paid in advance of the commencement of the relevant fiscal year.

Article 6
1 This Society shall have the following officers:
(1) One President
(2) One Vice President
(3) Twenty-five or fewer Permanent Committee Members
(4) Two Controllerss
2 The President shall represent this Society and comprehensively administer the affairs of this Society.
3 The Vice President shall assist the President and fulfill the President’s duty in the absence or disability of the President.
4 The Permanent Committee Members shall operate the business of this Society.
5 The Controllers shall audit the accounts and report the results at the general meeting.
6 The President, Vice President, and Permanent Committee Members shall constitute the Permanent Committee and operate the affairs thereof.
7 The officers shall be recommended by the Permanent Committee and selected at the general meeting.

Article 7
This Society shall have an adviser.

Article 8
This Society shall have a secretariat and various subcommittees to fulfill its obligations.

Article 9
In addition to these Articles of Association, this Society shall have Rules of Operation to execute its affairs.

Article 10
Any revision and abolition of these Articles of Association shall require the consent of two-thirds or more of the participants at the general meeting.