Medieval European Studies no.1 (2009)
Symposium “Medieval European Studies in the 21th Century”
- 〈Keynote Speech〉How was Concept of Middle Ages Invented? Koichi KABAYAMA
〈Invited Talks〉
- The Spirit of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance –For the Profound Reconsideration of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance. Takashi JINNO
- Holy Meidicine and the Late Medieval Spirituality –Henry of Lancaster’s Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines. Naoë KUKITA YOSHIKAWA
- Studies in Medieval Music –Its Past and Present. Teruhiko NASU
- Medieval Art History in the 21th Century. Midori TSUZUMI
- Theories of the Emotions in Medieval Philosophy Shiro YAMAUCHI
- Ecclesial Documents of Family Documents? –A “Genetic” Study of the Cathedral Archive of Urgell from the Ninth to the Eleventh Century. Takashi ADACHI
- Notated Music in the Codex Calixtinus –Polyphonic Notator and a Green Line. Makiko HIRAI
- Prayers and Vision in Early Flemish Paintings –An Essay on the Function of Images in the Late Medieval Christian Society Sumiko IMAI
- Reading Marks in the Books Owned by the Syon Nuns. Satoko TOKUNAGA
- The Recent Trend in the Study of Medieval Philosophy. Yoshihisa YAMAMOTO
- An Account of JSMES’s Seminar for Young Researchers. Yoichi KAJIWARA
- A Pair of Birds with the Fountain of Life: or How Our Logo Came into Life. Momoe Kanazawa