

Medieval and Early Modern Religious Histories: Perspectives from Europe and Japan
Trento, 30th-31st October 2014
Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Via S. Croce, 77- Trento

30th October 14.30
Welcome and Introduction
Paolo Pombeni (FBK-ISIG, Trento)
Takashi Jinno (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Fernanda Alfieri (FBK-ISIG, Trento)

Session I: Structuring Powers
Chair: Tomoji Odori (Musashi University, Tokyo)
Takashi Jinno (Waseda University, Tokyo): “Pentarchia” as Five Senses of the Human Body. The Idea of Collegiality of Church by Eastern Orthodox Intellectuals in the Middle Ages
Fernanda Alfieri (FBK-ISIG, Trento): Early Modern Catholicism and the Body: Moral Theology, Medicine, Canon Law
Massimo Rospocher (University of Leeds): The Rose, the Lily, and the Cross. The Just War of Henry VIII in Defence of the Roman Church
Taku Minagawa (University of Yamanashi, Yamanashi): Capuchin Marco D’Aviano, Emperor Leopold I and his Imperial Politics in the Fourth Quarter of the 17th Century
Benedetta Albani (Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main): Governance of the Universal Church after the Council of Trent: Concepts and Practices as Exemplified by the Congregations of the Council between the Early Modern Period and the Present

31st October 9.30
Session II: Defining Religious Identities
Chair: Takashi Jinno (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Serena Ferente (King’s College, London): Religion and Ethnicity at the Frontier. The Genoese Colonies in the Black Sea in the Fifteenth Century.
Tomoji Odori (Musashi University, Tokyo): “Microconfessionalization” in the Early Modern World: European Anabaptists and Hidden Christians in Japan
Ken’ichi Nejime (Gakushuin Women’s College, Tokyo): The Immortality of the Soul and Japan. The Worldwide Problem of the Italian Renaissance
Giovanni Ciappelli (University of Trento): Memory, Egodocuments and Religion in Early Modern Europe
Federico Barbierato (University of Verona): “Popular” Atheism and Unbelief in Early Modern Italy

31st October 14.30
Session III: Observing the Other
Chair: Benedetta Albani (Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main)
Vincenzo Lavenia (University of Macerata): Between Vices against Nature and Heresy: Muslims and Sodomy in Early Modern Europe
Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Viterbo): Luís Frois S.J. and 611 Differences between Japanese and Europeans (1585)
Atsuko Hirayama (Tezukayama University, Nara): Catholic Mission in the Ming China Tradition. Accommodation Policy: Alessandro Valignano, SJ and Juan Cobo, OP
Michela Catto (FBK-ISRE, Trento): Christianity in Far East and Far East in the Enlightenment: Discoveries and Descriptions between Europe and Asia

Final Remarks

Elena Bonora (University of Parma)
Ken’ichi Nejime (Gakushuin Women’s College, Tokyo)
Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Viterbo)

 Segreteria organizzativa – Antonella Vecchio | Elisabetta Lopane | T +39 0461 314 265 / 215
M segreteria.isig@fbk.eu | W http://isig.fbk.eu

