Early Career Conference 発表者募集のお知らせ

Historians’ Workshopではリサーチ・ショーケースの発展版イベントとして、若手研究者の研究報告会Early Career Conferenceを開催します。以下の通り発表者を募集しますので、奮ってご応募ください。

Historians’ Workshop invites paper submissions for the newly launched Early Career Conference to be held on 11 September 2018, at the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus), Japan.

Graduate conferences are often run by universities and subject-specific associations. Our aim is to complement these by opening ourselves up to all sub-fields in order to accelerate communication among fellow scholars across the entire historical discipline. We therefore invite original papers on any historical subject: political history, economic history, art history, history of ideas, gender history, etc. Any themes will be welcome! Submissions are due 11 August 2018.

While the conference provides an opportunity to polish your ideas and arguments, it is also intended as an occasion to reflect upon more technical aspects of academic presentation: it is not just about what to talk but also how to present. Speakers are warmly invited to attend an optional rehearsal session, held earlier on the day, to specifically discuss how to improve their presentations. They will also have a chance to take part as a session chair facilitating other speakers’ presentations. Early career researchers, seize this rare opportunity to prepare yourself for larger international conferences in the future!


Abstract submission due: 11 August 2018

Eligibility: Postgraduates and anyone within 8 years of finishing a doctoral degree

Venue: Seminar Room 1, Kojima Hall, the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)

Date: 11 September 2018, 13:30-18:00

Format: presentation (20 minutes) + Q&A session (20 minutes)

Registration Fee: Free

Language: English

*The Conference will offer travel grants to a limited number of speakers.

Application Process

Those wishing to present at the conference are invited to provide:

(1) Email address

(2) Your name(s)

(3) Title of your paper

(4) Abstract (200-250 words, in English)

(5) Institutional affiliation

(6) Past experience of English presentations in conference

in the following form: https://goo.gl/forms/INAPw4H3F7onx8WM2

The result of abstract reviews will be given on 13 August 2018.

This event is organised by Takao TERUI (icpterui@gmail.com) and Tomohiro KAIBARA (tomohiro.kaibara@gmail.com), both students at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. Should you have any queries, please contact us.

