ワークショップ:Communication techniques and their effects in the Carolingian age
会場:青山学院大学青山キャンパス 15号館(ガウチャーメモリアルホール)5階 第13会議室
13:00 Opening remarks
13:05- Shigeto KIKUCHI (Aoyama Gakuin University) 菊地重仁(青山学院大学)
Threat and menace as communication techniques in the Carolingian age
14:05- Takuro TSUDA (Hokkaido University of Education) 津田拓郎(北海道教育大学)
On the so called ‘Capitulary of Frankfurt’ and political communication under Charlemagne
15:05- Coffee break
15:25- Martin GRAVEL (Université Paris 8) マルタン・グラヴェル(パリ第8大学)
The use of letters for long-distance communications in the Carolingian Empire. A reconsideration of the Hofmann paradigm
16:25- Sakae TANGE (Shimonoseki City University) 丹下栄(下関市立大学)
Quelques aspects de la communication locale à l’époque carolingienne
17:35-18:05 Closing discussion
(Supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17H02377; JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 17K03186; Department of History, College of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University)