早稲田大学プロジェクト研究所 ヨーロッパ中世・
International Symposium “Religion and Violence in Medieval and Early Modern Europe”
Moderator: Taku MINAGAWA (Univesity of Yamanashi) Foreword
1.Arno STROHMEYER(Universität Salzburg), Religion und Gewaltin denhabsburgischen Erbländerr; Georg Erasmusvon Tschernembl und sein Traktat “De resistentia subditorum adversus principem legitima”(1600) 13:30-14:05
2.Marco PELLEGRINI (Universitàdi Bergamo), Papacy and Holy War from the Middle Age to the Renaissance 14:05-14:40
(break) 14:40-14:50
3.Morihisa ISHIGURO(Kanazawa University), The Violence and Religious Covenantin Machiavelli14:50-15:20
4.Takashi JINNO(Waseda University), Tyrannicide and Religious Justice-The Doctrines of Tyrannicide of John of Salisbury and Juan de Mariana 15:20-15:50
Commentator 1 Kuninobu SAKAMOTO(Meiji University) 16:00-16:15
Commentator 2 Tomoji ODORI(Musashi University) 16:15-16:30
Discussion 16:30-17:30
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